Array2table matlab 2012
Array2table matlab 2012


  • Given 2D policy function f(a,z), generate table/dataframe with a, z, and f(a,z) columns.

  • ND Array Wide to Long Reshape to Table Dataframe with Variable Values for Each Dimension: mlx | m | pdf | html.
  • m: permute(mn, ) + squeeze(num2cell(mn, )) + celldisp() + ndgrid().
  • Summarize a nd dimensional matrix along one or two dimensions group by various other dimensions.
  • The 2D matrix is contiguous, but can be intermediate dimensions.
  • 3D, 4D, ND Arrays Reshape and Summarize: mlx | m | pdf | html.
  • Draw randomly from array, permutate arrays.
  • Generate a Table based on all possible combinations of several arrays.
  • All Possible Combinations of Arrays as Table or Random Subset Mesh: mlx | m | pdf | html.
  • m: imag() + isfloat() + iscell() + isnan() + isnumeric().
  • Loop over numbers, find modulus (remainder) and quotient given divisor.
  • Matlab Miscellaneous Array and Numeric Operations: mlx | m | pdf | html.
  • Accumarray to sum up probabilities/values for discrete elements of arrays.
  • Accumarray Examples: mlx | m | pdf | html.
  • Grid States, Choices and Optimal Choices Example: mlx | m | pdf | html.
  • broadcast means: array + array’ + matrix = matrix.
  • Array Broadcasting Examples: mlx | m | pdf | html.
  • Find the maximum value in a 2D array’s row and column indexes.
  • Given 2D array, find the maximum value and index for each column.
  • array2table matlab 2012

  • Find the Maximum Value and Index in Matrix Over Columns and Overall: mlx | m | pdf | html.
  • Anonymous function to slice array subsets.
  • array2table matlab 2012

    Array Index Slicing and Subsetting to Replace and Expand: mlx | m | pdf | html.Array Reshape, Repeat and Expand: mlx | m | pdf | html.Please contact FanWangEcon for issues or problems.ġ Data Structures 1.1 Matrices and Arrays See here for all of Fan’s public repositories.


    Some functions also rely on or correspond to functions from MEconTools.įrom other repositories: For code examples, see Python Example Code, R Example Code, and Stata Example Code For intro stat with R, see Intro Statistics for Undergraduates, and intro Math with Matlab, see Intro Mathematics for Economists. The goal of this repository is to make it easier to find/re-use codes produced for various projects. MEconTools is a package that can be installed with tools used in projects involving matlab code.īullet points in the Appendix show which matlab functions/commands are used to achieve various objectives. This is not a Matlab package, but a list of examples in PDF/HTML/Mlx formats. Matlab files are linked below by section with livescript files. Materials gathered from various projects in which matlab is used. speed.This is a work-in-progress website consisting of Matlab example code for manipulating various data structures, dynamic programming, graphing and associated tasks. % This function tests the 3 algorithms we wish to compare w.r.t. %% Test Functions function runtime = testRemoveMeanAndScale(n) I'm wondering which code you'd prefer and I'd love to hear your reasons. Implicit expansion and bsxfun are generally on par except for small matrix sizes, where perhaps the extra function call costs enough extra to be noticeable. It appears that as the arrays get larger, the smart algorithm consistently outperforms the other ones. You can see that the timings are not completely consistent. % "VariableNames",) for i = 1:length(n)ĪlltimesT = array2table(alltimes, "VariableNames",) And the third method combines some of the steps so there are fewer overall statements. The second one uses the same steps as the first, but uses implicit expansion instead. The first one uses the well-named bsxfun function. Below are three equivalent implementations in MATLAB, the last one embeds a possible temporary array into one single line to take advantage of the most magic possible. I'm testing equivalent numerical algorithms for removing the mean of any array and scaling it. Here is demonstration of this simple idea.

    Array2table matlab 2012